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The learning process, the attachment and the body in movement.

Ariela Fischer – Alejandro González (Argentina)

The therapeutic process involves learning; this learning process takes place in a relationship in which the corporality and the emotions are part of the interaction.

This interaction accounts for old attachment patterns, creating the opportunity for significant attitudinal changes that generate dysfunctional behaviors. To promote a psycho-corporeal approach facilitates the process towards physical and emotional well-being, improving the ways in which people relate to each other. Our aim is to convey the developments achieved through this perspective.

Ariela Fischer

Ariela Fischer is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds a BA in Psychology and Professor of Body Language. She has specialized in postgraduate Expressive Resource Coordination and also in Bioenergetics (A. Lowen). She has experience in mind-body clinics in Public Hospitals and Private Institutions. She currently serves at therapist in the Association Argentina of Bonding Therapy  “El abrazo primario”. 

Alejandro González

Alejandro González is from Buenos Aires, Argentina, 36 years old. Psychology degree since 2006. Fellow of the ISBP. He started BP in 2000 and to work as an operator in 2004. Heattended the 17th International Conference of BP “Use and regulation of emotion” in BadGronenbach, Germany. In May 2009, he presented his work “Body movement work as part ofthe process in Bonding Pcychotherapy”. He also atended the 18th International Conference ofBP “E-motion, what moves us?”, in 2011, he presented an introduction of Bondingpsychotherapy with Maure, Buys and Kooyman and presentated “The new identity in the addict´s body”.