Statutes for ISBP newly founded registered association in Germany
1. Name, registered office, registration, fiscal year
- (1) The association is called International Society for Bonding Psychotherapy (abbreviated): ISBP
- (2) It is based in Friedrichshafen, Germany
- (3) It should be entered in the register of associations.
- (4) Fiscal year is the calendar year.
2. Association purpose
- (1) The Association serves to represent, disseminate, coordinate and further develop the knowledge, experiences and guidelines developed within the “International Society for Bonding Psychotherapy” (ISBP) in practice, theory and education in Germany and internationally.
- (2) The association serves as an association of persons, institutions and national bonding societies in Germany and internationally who are interested in the application, dissemination and further development of bonding psychotherapy.
- This purpose is realized in particular by:
- (a) organizing introductory and continuing education events of seminars and conferences.
- (b) promoting research and teaching.
- (c) establishing education and training rules and qualification requirements.
- (d) The definition and description of the method and criteria for the recognition of the Teaching Fellow (TF).
- (e) The Ethics Procedure
- (f) The coordination of:
- – Research
- – Public relations
- – Association work
- (g) recognition and review of training institutes.
- (h) Assistance to persons and institutions who are active in the area of the purpose of the association through contact with authorities, associations, institutions and persons of the public.
- (i) Publication and dissemination of occupational information and scientific work.
- (j) Exchange of scientific knowledge and experience.
3. Selflessness
The association pursues exclusively and directly purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” “of the tax code.
The association is selflessly active; It does not pursue primarily self-economic purposes.
Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members receive in their capacity as members no donations from means of the association.
No person may be favoured by expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.
4. Membership
- (1) A member of the association may become any national, legally established bonding institution or any natural or legal person representing, in the sense of the articles of the association, the goals and interests of its country.
- (2) The Executive Committee decides on the application for membership in the association.
- (3) Membership ends by resignation, expulsion or death.
- (4) The resignation of a member is only possible on December 31st. It shall be made by written statement to the chairman, giving 4 weeks’ notice.
- (5) If a member has seriously violated the goals and interests of the association or, despite a reminder, remains in arrears with the contribution for 12 months, it can be excluded by the Executive Committee with immediate effect. The member must be given the opportunity to justify or comment before the decision is taken. An appeal may be lodged against the exclusion decision within a period of 4 weeks after the notification of the exclusion, which will be decided by the next Assembly of the Representatives.
5. Contributions
The members pay contributions in accordance with a resolution of the Board (Assembly of the Representatives). To determine the contribution amount and due date, a simple majority of the voting members present in the Board (Assembly of the Representatives) is required. The contributions must be paid by 30 April of the current year at the latest.
6. Organs of the Association
The organs of the association are: Executive Committee, elected by the Board (Assembly of the Representatives), and Assembly of the Representatives.
The Board: the number of the representatives and the number of the votes of the national chapters depends on the size of the national associations. This is regulated in the rules of self-administration.
7. Executive Committee
- (1) The ExCo consists of at least 2 members and is elected by the Board (Assembly of the Representatives) for a term of 4 years. The re-election of the ExCo is possible. The chairman is appointed by the Board (Assembly of the Representatives) in a special ballot. The current members of the ExCo remain in office after the end of their term of office until successors are elected.
- (2) It represents the association in and out of court. Two members of the ExCo are jointly authorized to represent
- (3) The ExCo is responsible for the management of the current affairs of the association. In particular, it has the following duties: it may appoint a managing director for the day-to-day business of the current administration.
- (4) ExCo meetings are held at least for times a year. The invitation to the ExCo meetings shall be made in writing, subject to an invitation period of at least 14 days. The session may also be in the form of a video conference.
- (5) The ExCo passes its resolutions by a simple majority.
- (6) Resolutions of the ExCo may also be passed in writing, by telephone or by video conference, if all members of the ExCo declare their consent to this procedure in writing or by telephone. Written or telephonic board resolutions must be recorded in writing and signed.
8. Board (Assembly of the Representatives)
- (1) The general meeting of the board must be convened at least once a year.
- (2) An Extraordinary Board (Assembly of the Representatives) meeting will be convened if it is necessary for the interests of the association or if the calling of 3/4 of the members of the association. In this case it is required in writing stating the purpose and reasons.
- (3) The convocation of the Board (Assembly of the Representatives) shall be made in writing, maintaining an invitation period of at least 6 weeks with simultaneous announcement of the agenda. The period begins with the day following the dispatch of the letter of invitation. The date of the postmark applies. The letter of invitation shall be deemed to have been received by the member if it is addressed to the last address given in writing by the member of the association.
- (4) The Board (Assembly of the Representatives), as the supreme decision-making body of the association, is, in principle, responsible for all tasks, provided that certain tasks have not been delegated to another body of the association in accordance with these statutes. In particular, the Annual Accounts, the Annual Report on the approval and the approval of the actions of the ExCo must be submitted in writing. It appoints two auditors who are not members of either the ExCo or a committee appointed by the ExCo and may not be employees of the Association to audit the accounts, including the annual accounts, and to report on the results prior to the Assembly of the Representatives. The Board (Assembly of the Representatives) decides also over
- a) fee waivers,
- b) tasks of the association,
- c) purchase, sale and encumbrance of property,
- d) participation in companies,
- e) taking out loans from EUR 1,000
- f) approval of all rules of procedure for the association area,
- g) membership fees,
- h) amendments to the Articles of Association,
- i) Dissolution of the association.
- (5) Each statutory meeting of the members is recognized as quorum regardless of the number of members of the association.
- (6) The Board (Assembly of the Representatives) passes its resolutions by a simple majority. In case of a tie, an application is considered rejected
9. Amendment of the statutes
- (1) Changes of the statutes require a 3/4 majority of the published club members. Changes to the purpose of the statutes require a 3/4 majority of the published club members. Amendments to the statutes can only be voted on in the Board (Assembly of the Reps) if this agenda item has already been referred to in the invitation to the Board (Assembly of the Reps) and the invitation has been accompanied by both the previous and the proposed new statutory text.
- (2): Changes to the Articles of Association, which are required by supervisory, legal or financial authorities for formal reasons, may be carried out by the ExCo on their own initiative. These changes to the articles of the association must be communicated to all members of the association as soon as possible in writing.
10. Certification of Resolutions
Resolutions recorded in ExCo Meetings and Board (Assemblies of the Reps) must be recorded in writing and signed by the ExCo.
11. Dissolution of the association and asset retention
- (1) For the decision to dissolve the association, a 3/4 majority of the members present in the Board (Assembly of the Representatives) is required. The decision can only be taken after a timely announcement in the invitation to the General Assembly.
- (2) In the event of dissolution or cancellation of the association, or the abolition of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the association shall be donated to Doctors Without Borders