
The goal of the Flemish Dutch Association for Bonding Psychotherapy (Vereniging voor Bondingpsychotherapie) is to support and promote the development and practice of Bonding Psychotherapy.  A further aim of the Society is offering guidelines and training for Bonding Psychotherapy therapists.
Our websites in the Dutch language ( bondingpsychotherapie.nl and bondinpsychotherapie.be) give information on the method, literature and therapists offering bonding psychotherapy. The Flemish Dutch Association for Bonding Psychotherapy was founded in 1983 by psychotherapists from Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and the Netherlands, who were trained in the method.

The association is associated as a chapter with the International and the European Associations for Bonding Psychotherapy. The European Association for Bonding Psychotherapy is a member of the European Association for Psychotherapy (E.A.P.).

Teaching fellows

Martien Kooyman
President VBP & ISBP Board member
Email: martienkooyman@gmail.com

Solveig van der Hoeven
VBP Secretary
Email: shoeven@xs4all.nl

Lieve Thienpont
Email: lievethienpont@yahoo.com

Hans van Wechem
Email: vanwechempraktijk@gmail.com

Kooyman Martien
President VBP & ISBP vote
Email: martienkooyman@gmail.com

Solveig van der Hoeven
Member VBP
Email: shoeven@xs4all.nl


Celine van Mastrigt
Email: cjvanmastrigt@hotmail.com

Ellen van der Burg
Email: evdburg@casema.nl

Marcella Tam
Email: marcellatam@live.nl

Celine van Mastrigt
Email: celineinfo@sameninverbinding.nl

Ellen van der Burg
Email: evdburg@casema.nl

Liege Thienpont
Email: not available

Marcella Tam
Secretary VBP
Email: marcellatam@live.nl

Institute Fellow

Inge Kooyman
Email: ingekooyman@gmail.com

Caroline Buys
ISBP Board member
Email: carbuys@online.nl

Annelies Koudstaal
E-mail: Akoudstaal@kpnmail.nl

Honorary Members

Johan Maertens
Email: Johmaertens@gmail.com

Moniek van Deile
Email: moniekvandeile@hotmail.com

Institute Therapists

Eef Veenman Email: eef.e.veenman@osghengelo.nl

Members in Training

Hannah Aandewiel
Email: hannah@aandewiel.nl

Vanvooren Marc
Email: marc.vanvooren@gmail.com

Tanja Caradonna
Email: tanja@pit-begeleiding.nl

Annelies Koudstaal
Email: Akoudstaal@kpnmail.nl

Caroline de Vaynes van Brakell Buys
Treasurer VBP, ISB Board member
Email: carbuys@online.nl

Natasja Vos
Email: natasjavos@yahoo.com

Inge Kooyman
Email: ingekooyman@gmail.com

Annelies Koudstaal
Email: Akoudstaal@kpnmail.nl

Ongoing groups

Hans van Wechem
Email: vanwechempraktijk@gmail.com

Solveig van der Hoeven
Email: shoeven@xs4all.nl

Celine van Mastrigt
Email: cjvanmastrigt@hotmail.com

KOOLSKAMP (België) –
Agapé www.agapeuniverse.be

Lieve Thienpont
Email : lievethienpont@yahoo.com

Caroline Buys
Email: carbuys@online.nl