
Theoretical Foundations and Methods

Konrad Stauss, M.D.

In consultation with and edited by Franklin W. “Skip“ Ellis, May 2007

Dr. Konrad Stauss, developed the theory of Bonding Psychotherapy and new interventions presented in this book over a period of ten years. As a bonding therapist and Teaching Fellow of the International Society for Bonding Psychotherapy, Dr. Konrad Stauss picked up the line and the vision from Dr.Dan Casriël, the developer of Bonding Psychotherapy, initially know as the New Identity Process. Dr. Stauss also studied and worked with Dr. Walter Lechler, one of the leading psychotherapists in Germany. In 2003, Dr. Stauss received the reward for outstanding membership from the International Society of Bonding Psychotherapy in recognition of his efforts in developing this theory.

The need for a modern scientific, and empirically based theory of Bonding Psychotherapy, and also of expieriential therapies, became evident through a series of meetings of the senior therapists who practice Bonding Psychotherapy in both Europe and the United States. A new theory was needed in order to describe in current scientific terms the essence of Bonding Psychotherapy. This makes it possible to describe Bonding Psychotherapy to professional colleagues and to attract new therapists to learn and practise Bonding Psychotherapy.

In 2006, Dr. Stauss published in German the results of his work Bonding Psychotherapie:“Grunlagen und Methoden“, published by Kosel. This English version is based largely on a translation of the German book.

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Psicoterapia Emocional e Psicoterapia Bonding

Domingos Neto

Psicoterapia Emocional e Psicoterapia Bonding, by Domingos Neto, is a stumbling block in the reigning rationalism – both at the level of the socio-political macro-system and the institutional or business meso-systems, and especially the micro-system of the most intimate and particularly intersubjective relationships.

ISBN: 9789727963454 
Pages: 236 
Year of publication: 2014

Domingos Neto, ESBP President
Rua Sargento José Paulo dos Santos nº 25
1800 – 330 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 218 510 516
Fax: +351 919 365 614

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